Have Come to the Right Place!

Baptist is always ready to greet newcomers and old friends. We have
found that our genuine concern for the welfare of others has
contributed to the well being of our members and friends alike. First
Baptist is a praying church. One which knows the value of a
relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord. In addition to a praying
church we have found that good sound biblical studies strengthens the
body of Christ. We seek to honor our Savior by studying, to show
ourselves improved. The strong pulpit ministry focusing on
evangelistic out reach is making disciples who in turn are making
disciples in compliance with our Lord’s great commission found in
Matthew 28:19,20.

here at First Baptist believe our mission, first and foremost, is to
reach our community for Jesus Christ. We attempt to guide others to
the meaning of Jesus statement in John 3, "You must be born again
to enter the kingdom of heaven."

programs of Bible studies, prayer opportunities, and music ministries,
all maintain a focus on the centrality of Biblical preaching. Messages
preached are designed to meet the needs of those in our worship
service, and to reach out to our community with an evangelistic thrust
to meet needs of those around us.

the opportunity arise to visit us here in Laurel Hill, Florida at
First Baptist, you will have come to the right place. We will endeavor
to make your time with us a time of Christian fellowship and hopefully
contribute to your fellowship as you continue your life journey with
our Lord. In the meantime, you may find in our calendar of events for
First Baptist Church a prayer or worship opportunity to fit your
needs. You, of course, are always welcome at First Baptist Church.

Come see
us--we want to tell you,
"You have
come to the right place."

Rev. Mike
The web
servant may be contacted at email

